algorithm to input percentage from user and print grade
September 24, 2022

Algorithm to input percentage from user and print grade

In this tutorial, we will write an algorithm to input percentages from users and print grades. using this algorithm we can write a program to input percentages from users and print grades in most programming languages like java, python, c++, and c programming.

Algorithm to input percentage from user and print grade.

1. Read P.
2. If P >= 90, then:
3.   Set GRADE:=’A’.
4. Else If P >= 70, then:
5.   Set GRADE:=’B’.
6. Else If P>=50, then:
7.   Set GRADE:=’C’.
8. Else:
9.   Set GRADE:=’F’.
10. [End of If Else Structure]
11. Write GRADE.
12. Exit

In the above algorithm first, we read the value of variable P as a percentage and we check if the value of P is greater than 90 then set the value of the GRADE variable to A else we check if the value of P is greater than 70 but less than 90 then we set the value of GRADE variable to B else we check if the value of P is greater than 50 but less than 90 then we will set the value of GRADE to C else we will set the value of GRADE to F. after completing the If-Else statement we write a value of GRADE to the output screen and then exit from the program.

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