algorithm to find prime number - data structures and algorithms
September 26, 2022

Algorithm to find whether a number is prime or not

In this tutorial, we are going to write an algorithm to verify whether a number is prime or not. using this algorithm we can write a program to verify whether a number is prime or not or find whether a number is prime or not in most programming languages like java, python, c++, and c.

Algorithm to find Prime Number.

1. Read N.
2. Set I:=2 and PRIME = 1.
3. Repeat Steps 4 to 7 while I <= N/2
4. If(N % I=0)
5.       Set PRIME:=0. and exit the loop structure.
6. Else:
7.       Set I:=I + 1.
8. [End of If Structure.]
9. [End of While loop]
10. If PRIME = 1, then:
11.       Print the number is prime.
12. Else
 13.      Print the number is not prime.
14. [End of If structure.]
15. Exit.

Here in the above algorithm, we first read an integer variable N. and then set default values of two variables I=2 and PRIME = 1 and then using the while loop we repeat steps 4 to 7. in the if condition we check if the value of N is divisible by 2 then we set the value of PRIME to 0 and exit from the loop else we set the value of I to I + 1. this process is executed till the value of I less than or equal to N/2. then we check if the value of the PRIME variable is 1 then we print the number is prime else we print the number as not prime. and then we exit from the program.

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